Sankalp Academy is the most distinguished institute for the best IIT, NEET coaching in Lucknow. We educate our students to obtain a high rank which permits them to get their dream job. Chemistry is a scoring subject for most of the IIT JEE aspirants because it mostly goes on the basics with the difficulty curve remaining the same almost every year. The questions are more theoretical than calculative, making it the quickest subject to solve. Unlike the other subjects, IIT JEE Chemistry is less about conceptual applications and more about planning. In order to score well in this section, the students must be well versed with all the formulas, named reactions, chemical equations, and periodic table trends as all these concepts constitute a major portion of IIT JEE Chemistry syllabus and the students can expect a lot of direct and indirect questions from the above-mentioned concepts.

The key to solving chemistry problems lies in developing a clear understanding of the fundamental concepts. Students need to have a solid conceptual foundation in order to solve IIT JEE Chemistry problems smoothly. Just memorizing the theory and formulas will never benefit a JEE aspirant in developing their problem-solving skills.

The IIT JEE Chemistry study material provided here aims to develop in students an understanding and evaluation of several basic concepts covered in Organic, Inorganic, and Physical Chemistry. The students can analyse JEE Chemistry important topics to get an idea of the marks allocation and weightage of different concepts covered in IIT JEE chemistry syllabus.

How To Study Chemistry?

Here we will look at some useful chemistry study tips that will enable students to prepare and perform excellently in both the board and JEE exam.

For physical chemistry, go through the concept first and then understand the formulae. Solve question on each formula. Make a small notebook and make a list of all the formulae chapter wise in that notebook. So while solving questions it will be quick to get the formula and if you practice like this, in a few months the formulae will be on your tips. Also if there are some similar kind of formulae or laws you are getting confused with then write them down on a chart or a paper with coloured pens, and paste them on the wall of your study room and go through it before going to sleep and on waking up in the morning. The picture will set in your brain and you will be able to recall it while solving questions or giving the exams.

Coming to Inorganic chemistry, there are chapters if you command on, then this portion of chemistry will be easier. If a student has understood Chapter 3 of class 11th “Classification of elements and periodicity in properties” clearly then 80% of the inorganic chemistry is covered. Because the concepts explained in this chapter will be applied again and again in various other chapters of the inorganic chemistry. One more tip for inorganic chemistry is learning the periodic table, if the periodic table is on your tips, you will not be leaving even a single question unanswered from this portion in JEE. Do not mug up the periodic table because by doing this you will again forget. To make it interesting frame sentences using elements like for Oxygen family: Oh (O-Oxygen) saan (S- Sulphur) se (Se- Selenium) te (Te- Tellurium) po (Po- Polonium). Like this, more sentences can be framed for each of the groups and learning periodic table can be made full of fun.

Next comes the organic chemistry which most of the students are scared but this is the most interesting and high weightage section for JEE. There are two organic chapters in 11th class, the first one is “Some basic principles and techniques in Organic chemistry”-all fundamentals of the organic chemistry will be explained in this chapter. So once you are through with this chapter, the next chapter which is hydrocarbons becomes much easier. All the concepts which you will learn in these chapters will be applied in class 12th organic chemistry chapters. Organic chemistry will have more weightage in JEE as the number of chapters from this section is more in the 12th class. Strategy for chapter wise preparation is given on Sankalp Academy.

The last section of the chemistry will include general topics like polymers, environmental chemistry, and chemistry in everyday life. Such chapters are very easy for candidates who are preparing for JEE.

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